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Family sized home featuring three bedrooms, master with ensuite, open plan kitchen living and dining, family bathroom and internal access garaging. Well appointed for the sun on a fully landscaped section, offering quality fixtures and fittings throughout.
Within thirty minutes drive to Christchurch City Beachgrove is conveniently located within walking distance of the vibrant Kaiapoi town centre where you will find various retail outlets, cafes, restaurants, supermarkets, weekly farmers market and a movie theatre. There is a high school, primary schools and day care centres all within close proximity.
With Pines Beach recreational areas on your door step it makes Beachgrove an appealing community for all.
Lot 423 Beachgrove, Kaiapoi, North Canterbury
If you’d like more information on one of our listings or want to learn more about the process of buying an Oakridge Home, drop us a message. A member of the team will be in touch as soon as possible.